Flossing and brushing your teeth is essential for a lot of reasons – besides having that million-dollar smile, it also helps prevent tooth decay, periodontal disease, halitosis, staining, etc. Having a good oral hygiene means eating healthy, avoiding tobacco products, rinsing your mouth after meals, brushing your teeth twice a day, regularly doing routine check-ups, etc.
However, sometimes even if you do have a good oral hygiene, other circumstances may affect the condition of your teeth. Tooth decay often leads to tooth loss and that’s not the only reason for losing one or more of your teeth – a sports injury, a car accident or any other unforeseeable event might be the cause for it. But even if that’s the case – do not despair – today, there’s a great solution in the field of dentistry called partial dentures. Let’s see what these little pieces are all about.
A partial denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth which restores the function and form of your jaw. The blend of acrylic and metal makes it strong enough for you to be able to speak and chew without any problems. Partial dentures made completely from acrylic tend to be less durable, but depending on your case, they still might be a good choice for you.
When you are missing one tooth or more of them, the bite pressure shifts, so the rest of the teeth might begin to slightly change their position in order to compensate for the missing one(s) in your bite. This leads to shrinking of both the supporting bone and the soft tissues, which may lead to other oral problems and affect your physical appearance. So, the purpose of partial dentures is to keep engaged and active the underlying structures of your mouth, such as your facial muscles, jawbones, gums, etc. They will prevent your teeth from further moving while also giving you the confidence of having a complete and beautiful smile.
In the beginning, you might feel a small discomfort but that won’t last long. Start with some soft foods and avoid sticky or hard foods until you get used to the denture. When bedtime comes, it’s best to remove it so that your gums can recover and rest during the night. Make sure to regularly clean it and if needed – adjust it every now and then – all of which can be done in just one appointment.
Partial dentures are the best solution when the rest of your teeth are healthy, but if that’s not the case, then a full denture might be what you actually need. How much a partial denture will cost you depends on many factors – the amount of them you need, the area you live in, your dentist, etc. However, they are still the most cost-effective solution. If you are in need of one, contact your dentist and make an appointment to discuss the details.