Improving the quality of life should be one of the main things we care for. With the many pollutants and the appearance of GMO food these days, trying to reduce the carbon footprint and taking care of our health is fundamental.
Speaking of fundamental things, drinking water is one of the most essential things that keep us moving, healthy, and well, alive, which is why you should ensure that the water in your home is clean and safe to drink. But instead of buying bottled water, you can simply drink tap water. Although in many countries tap water is considered unsafe for drinking because of the many contaminants, the truth is that there are many ways through which you can improve its quality.
The easiest, fastest and safest way for improving its cleanliness and taste is by using water filter jugs. These jugs have been present on the market for quite a long time, but today’s improved appearance, work and features are what made them the most common appliance in every household. If you’re hesitant whether to invest in a filter jug or perhaps you’re not familiar with it, here are some reasons why you should consider owning at least one.

Available in numerous designs, shapes and colours, these filter jugs are designed for everyday use. Unlike the bulky water filtering systems, you can move them around the house with ease. Today’s jugs are extremely convenient as they’re also intended to be stored in the fridge once the water has been purified. Plus, some models have a digital indicator that lets you know when it’s time to replace the water cartridge. How handy, right?!
Reduces Water Contaminants
As the name implies, these jugs resemble regular water jugs, just with a filter that is designed to purify your water and remove chlorine, fluoride and bacteria from tap water. Except for making it healthier, these filters can also make the water tastier because their purpose is to remove water contaminants which are the main culprits for bad tasting water. But the best of all is that a premium tap water filter jug can provide you healthy drinking water without the fear of ‘catching’ some disease like amoebiasis or cholera that can be caused by water contaminants.
Having your very own jug will reduce your need of purchasing bottled water which is usually packed in single-use plastic bottles. These bottles, on the other hand, are harmful to the planet, so by ditching this opportunity, you’ll be contributing to reducing your carbon footprint. So, from what it’s said, water jugs are also an eco-friendly bottled water substitute and everyone should have at least one in their homes. Can you imagine how much we can help by doing this?! Ahhh, a lot!

When compared to buying bottled water regularly, investing in a tap water filter jug is way more affordable since you won’t have to buy water from the store on a regular basis. Just imagine how much money you’ll be saving in the long run. Plus, most bottled water comes from tap water, so actually, you’ll be paying for the plastic while still drinking unsafe water.
Low Maintenance
Water filters are also extremely easy to maintain. You don’t need any special products or detergents in order to keep them clean. Depending on the model and its material, you can either clean it with lukewarm water or with an equal ratio of lukewarm water and white vinegar. However, before doing anything, read the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions to be sure that you won’t damage the filter during the cleaning process.
As we all know by now, these water filter jugs are pretty lightweight and easy to move around your home. But what’s better is that you can easily pack them in your backpack or luggage when going somewhere. This enables you to drink clean and purified water without fearing that you’ll catch some nasty bacteria.

So, what do you think? Is it worth buying a water filter jug? From what can be seen until now, investing in these jugs is one of the best investments one can make. And if wondering whether there are any downsides of investing in water jugs with filters, the simplest answer would be no, if you don’t take into account the replacement of the filter cartridge.
Generally speaking, the replacement of filter cartridges needs to be done approximately every three months. However, this also depends on the material and water usage of your chosen tap water filter jug, thus, checking the manufacturer’s instructions is the best thing you could do.
Since caring for the environment is what all of us should do, you can even look for jugs which are mainly made of glass, and ones that have a recyclable filter. By doing this, you’ll be contributing even more to saving the planet.