
Some trends come and go, but health, fitness, athletic apparel and sports equipment have been trending around the country for quite some time now. It seems like everyone wants to be their best selves and who can blame them. This of course, has had a tremendous impact in the way Australian consumers spend their money. Both the retail front and online shopping sector of sports equipment Australia industry have gained greatly in 2015. A few years ago we wouldn’t have even considered counting the online sector but it has become such a popular way for consumers to spend their money.

On the retail front, the industry has been going at a strong and steady pace with a steady rise of 8.8% and bringing in a massive 2 billion dollars in revenue in 2015. The future of the retail front is going to rise at steady 5.0% for each year into the foreseeable future. The online sector, however, is growing at rapid speeds rising by 22.6% and with total revenue so far at 71 million dollars. This sector of the athletic industry has brought in over 6,792 jobs alone for Australians and is said to grow by 14.6%. These are some incredible numbers considering the way some industries have been coping in 2015.

If you are looking to invest in something with numbers that only seem to be growing in leaps and bounds then this would be a great time to get involved in the athletic industry. There is no denying that there has been a massive demand for sportswear and sports equipment Australia wide and it doesn’t seem to be a trend that’s going anywhere soon.


The Purpose Of Skate Bearings

Skaters know that every part of the board is essential, unless you’re into some kind of trampoline skating or whatever else is trending right…