A Purposeful Design Element: How to Choose the Ideal Letterbox

Sadly, for most people the preferred methods of written communication are Facebook, email and various messaging apps. Although they might be more a convenient and instant option, in my opinion, they can never replace that particular charm traditional mail and letterboxes have. I love that pinch of excitement I get every morning when I run to my letterbox to check what I’ve received – although, most of the time it only contains my bills or a promotional leaflet.


But besides being a mystery box full of surprises, a letterbox is also an important staple in the exterior design of every home. Having a prominent front position, this element is one of the first things anyone visiting you will notice about your home. And this makes picking a high-quality and stylish letterbox that matches your exterior even more crucial because you will never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Luckily, there are unlimited letterbox designs to choose from, so that everyone can easily find something to fit their exterior design puzzle. When picking a model that suits your home best, here’s what you need to consider.

Choose a Material That’s Durable & Complements Your Home

Whether it’s a small suburban house, a mansion, or a duplex, you need to make sure that the material and colour of the letterbox complements the external facade. Also, remember that the letterbox will be outside 24/7 resisting the harsh Australian elements, therefore a sturdy, water-resistant material is a must.stainless-modern-mailbox


If your house has a minimalist and modern-looking exterior, sleek stainless steel letterbox designs can be the perfect addition. And because it’s made of metal, it means that a stainless steel letterbox is more resistant to dog scratches and is hard to break in. In addition, stainless steel can also withstand all sorts of outside conditions such as rain, snow, salty ocean air and UV rays.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something more traditional, you may want to explore the wide range of wooden letterbox designs. In addition, wooden letterboxes now come in contemporary and sleek designs so they can also be applied in more modern settings. However, wooden letterboxes can be tricky since most types of wood are susceptible to the elements. So, if you’ve settled on a wooden letterbox, consider getting one made of teak or a special type of wood called Accoya.


Accoya is wood that’s modified to be resistant to sun damage, moisture and salty ocean air. In other words – a material that’s perfect for Australian conditions. Letterboxes made from Accoya are known for their rich texture and earthy colour and are considered eco-friendly and sustainable.

Pick the Most Convenient Mount

Letterboxes come in a variety of mounting option. What mount is right for you depends on your property’s design as well as your personal preferences. A door-installed letterbox is fitted right into the front door and can have an opening in the backside which allows you to quickly check the mail without having to walk out of your house. As such, it’s the perfect solution for all the lazy-ones out there who want to be able to get their mail in their pyjamas. If you are considering this kind of mount think how it will affect the whole look of the door. For instance, if you have a traditional wooden door and want your letterbox to blend in, go with a subtle wooden model without too many features. But if you want your letterbox to pop, you can easily add some interest with custom features such as a unique address font or texture.


But if you don’t want to spoil the beautiful look of your front door, there are other options too. Like for instance, a wall-mounted letterbox. You can attach it to one of the walls next to the door or even on the side walls if you don’t want the mailman to get on your porch. There are also wall-mounted models with a flush finish if you’re a fan of minimalism. This model of letterbox sinks completely inside the wall, so make sure you display your house number prominently on it to make it easier for the mailman to notice it. Again, choose a material that fits the wall, a metal box for brick walls and wooden for concrete and wooden walls is a pick you cannot go wrong with.


Who says the letterbox should be confined to the narrowest perimeter of your house. You can take a nice morning walk across your yard and check the mail that came in a fence mounted letterbox. With this type of box, the mailman won’t even have to enter your property – highly convenient for when you’re on vacation and lock the fence door.


And finally, there’s the most famous mounting option – the post-mounted letterbox. This type of letterbox mount is also known as curbside because it’s positioned right on the curb. Unfortunately, do to its vulnerable position, this type of letterbox can be prone to vandalism.